Dynamic Marker Icons-Alternate View Layout Options


This video continues from GM2. The video shows how the icon for each marker that is placed on the map can be dynamically specified. So, for example, if record 1 in the Grid was for a customer with a low credit rating, the corresponding icon on the map might be red. If record 2 was for a customer with a high credit rating, the corresponding icon on the map might be green.

In the video we have a Grid based on our sample Airports table and we show how a different map icon is used depending on the elevation of each airport shown in the Grid. The video also discusses the different ways in which the Alternate Views can be shown on the Grid. Alternate Views can be shown in Tabs, or they can be shown on the main page, alongside the main Grid.

Mapping features. Dynamically changing the icon used for each point on the map. If you look at the data. Have elevation for each airport. Want one color icon for airports below 1000 feet and then another icon for airports between 1000-3000 feet. And another colored icon for airports that are above 5000 feet. This is not particularly practical. Can use this however, show expense of houses for sale. Show customers who have spent more than a certain amount, one color marker. Marker icons property. Dynamic Map Marker Images. Here is code, imports imported image.

tbl.data("ELEVATION") < 1000| http://googlecode.com/files/tea100.png 
tbl.data("ELEVATION") >= 1000 .and. tbl.data("ELEVATION") < 3000| http://googlecode.com/files/yellow01.png 
tbl.data("ELEVATION") >= 3000| http://googlecode.com/files/green02.png

Save. Click OK. Now have color coded map locations layout of alternate views. Can be displayed any way you want. Change mode from Selectable to All Visible. Can specify how the grid and the alternate view are laid out. Lay all views side-by-side